Self-Paced Positive Parenting Video Package Now Available for Parents Wanting to Increase Parenting Tools
First-time Parents,
Parents who have tried EVERYTHING and nothing seems to work long term,
Yelling Parents,
Concerned Parents looking for guidance,
Parents who have no rules, and
Families who live in CHAOS…
This program is for parents who want a more peaceful and happy home and a less chaotic one.
The Creative Family Counseling Team has created the Positive Discipline Foundational Parenting Package for parents seeking new parenting methods. These parenting tools will grow the parent-child relationship and keep the lines of communication open while providing your family with the structure it needs. In this Experiential 6-Video Package, the Creative Family Counseling Team Members will cover the basic philosophy of the Positive Discipline Parenting Approach and offer parenting tools that can be implemented immediately.
Positive Discipline offers long-term parenting skills that will encourage children to think for themselves, become more responsible, and have greater respect for themselves and others. These teachings are filled with both non-punitive and non-permissive methods. It is applicable to children from birth – teenage years.
Who would benefit from the Positive Discipline Foundational Parenting Package?
Tired of yelling, spanking, and time-outs?
Dealing with the same problems over and over again?
Have you found yourself feeling exasperated and thinking, “there has to be a better way”?
If you’re feeling like your current parenting methods aren’t a good fit for your child and family, the Positive Discipline Foundational Parenting Package will equip you with research-supported methods to provide the structure your family needs in a kind but firm way.
This package will be beneficial for many types of parents:
- Parents at their wit’s end
- First-time parents who are learning the parenting ropes
- Parents who have tried every program and without long-term desired results
- Parents who want a better relationship with their children
- Parents stuck in unproductive and unhealthy cycles with their children
- Parents who want to parent differently but don’t know how to go about doing so
The short answer is ANY PARENT!
Stop lecturing. Stop yelling.
Stop punishments. Stop rewards.
It’s not working.
Try something different and interrupt the cycle your family is stuck in by utilizing the tools in this Foundational Parenting Package.
How does the program work?
After purchasing the Positive Discipline Foundational Parenting Package and downloading the Positive Discipline Workbook, you will receive six interactional videos that will include education and guidance through many of the Positive Discipline experiential parenting activities. Participants will identify new ways to relate to their children and learn several new parenting tools that can be implemented immediately.
This Foundational Parenting Package takes participants approximately 4-5 hours to work through at Participants’ own pace. Even if you only have 15 minutes a day to invest in learning these tools, you will start to notice a cumulative effect on your family as you implement the tools with your children! One person making positive changes makes the whole family system better!
So let’s get started! Visit the Foundational Parenting Package page.