Harmony Elementary School
Allie Montgomery, provides School Facilitated Services for the students at Harmony Elementary School. Harmony Elementary is the home of the Huskies and is located in Goshen, Kentucky. Allie enjoys working with the huskies while at their school!
Allie has experience providing SFS to work on:
- Emotion regulation
- Classroom behaviors
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Social Skills
Allie believes that it is important to help children and their families find solutions that work for them, building skills and empowering students to be successful at school, at home, and in the community. School Facilitated Services is a unique opportunity for children and families because of the collaboration between Allie, school counselors, teachers, and other staff at Harmony Elementary. SFS allows Allie to see your child while they are at school and removes a barrier to supporting your child’s mental health.
To schedule an intake or to discuss School Facilitated Services with Allie, please reach out to Allie directly at [email protected] or 502-427-0341.