Yoga Therapy
Yoga, itself, is potentially therapeutic and healing for a wide range of conditions. Yoga therapy is specific to the individual and the individuals needs to regain a sense of well-being and balance. The yogic health model is unique in that it addresses all facets of life: the body, energy, the mind, emotions, and joyful meaning. Each facet is connected and often why mental health conditions and stress have somatic (physical) symptoms. Yoga therapy addresses concerns holistically. Yoga therapy is a combination of work done with the therapist and “homework” given in the form of a yoga practice designed for the individual’s physical, mental, and emotional needs.
There are minimal risks associated with yoga therapy since it is customized for each client and meeting them where they are at in order to achieve goals. Yoga therapy is suitable for all body types and levels of physical activity.
Yoga is the practice of calming the mind. Yoga therapy is the process of empowering individuals, using yoga tools, to progress towards improved health and well-being.
What does yoga practice look like? First, and foremost, it is PRACTICAL. Practices are collaborations between the yoga therapist and the client to create success and DOABLE plans. The main goal is to empower the individual to heal and create balance within themselves and to learn tools that can be used for a lifetime.
A yoga practice may include:
- Physical postures that address physical discomfort or imbalances
- Breathwork and breathing techniques.
- Meditation and relaxation techniques
- Visualizations and mantra (or affirmations)
What can Yoga Therapy Help With?
Beyond the physical benefits of health, flexibility, and strength, yoga therapy helps with many mental health concerns, including (but not limited to):
- Stress management
- Burnout
- Depression
- Anxiety
- Trauma
- Addiction
- Medication Side Effects
- Chronic Pain & Fatigue
- Existential Dilemma
- Rumination
- Sleep disturbances
Melanie Summers, LPCA, CYT, has been a yoga instructor for 13 years, certified in trauma-informed yoga for 11 years, and a yoga therapist since 2017. To learn more about yoga therapy you can contact Melanie directly at [email protected] or 502-427-0974.